Wednesday 31 August 2016

Determination of Selenium in Environmental Samples Using Hydride Generation Coupled to Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

A hydride technology coupled to atomic absorption spectroscopy HGAAS technique is offered for the willpower of Selenium content material in soil samples, alfalfa, animal feed, and water samples. The selenium distribution was studied in various locations in Zawia metropolis. The studied regions had been divided to seven one of a kind zones. The samples were digested in a aggregate of mineral acid (HNO3, HCL, HCLO4 and H2O2). The Selenium detail in acidified pattern solution was decreased immediately through treating it with Sodium borohydride (NaBH4), the steel hydride changed into added to the atomizer of AAS via inert service gasoline (N2, He). The device used for the era of hydride changed into home built in the analytical lab and a batch method changed into carried out. The analytical parameters had been optimized for the duration of the analytical process to offer standard sensitivity (zero.0055 pg/g). The Atomic Absorbance profile changed into recorded for all measured samples; the obtained signal profiles display smooth peaks. 
The Absorption fee at the peak top changed into used as a basis for the analytical calculations. A calibration curve of general selenium concentrations in opposition to absorbance became plotted and used to determine the selenium attention in each sample. Soil samples were analysed by using (HGAAS) for dedication of attention of selenium consequences are stated for all the studied zones, some zones did now not surpassed the said essential toxicity values ( pg/g), however another zones are relativity excessive (5.6-five.9 pg/g). The Selenium content material in alfalfa from special zones is particularly low within the variety of (zero.7 to2.20 pg/g). Concentrations of selenium in some animal feed samples are exceedingly low and displaying deficiencies (0.sixty two-zero.71 pg/ g), but different samples are particularly high and were close to the lower limits for high dose (1.41-1.98 ng/g).

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