Monday 3 October 2016

The Challenge of Overcoming Schizophrenia and a True Vision for the Future

The agony of a schizophrenic patient is unimaginable. I am a patient of schizophrenia from 1993. Advancements in science and technology, the progress of medical science and the unending quest in medical science for recovery has urged the scientific domain to ponder towards giant strides in medical history. The author withlucid details uncovers the intricate details of the cause and effects of thedangerous ailment of schizophrenia. The path to recovery for a sufferer is immense and scientifically unjustified. Yet the world of challenges, the immense grit and determination has made my life more easier. The medical science of schizophrenia is inspiring to the doctors and scientists and has opened a world of innovation and scientific research pursuit. The challenge, the enigma and the progress of the illness has opened a new world of scientific vision and scientific fortitude. 

Vision, aim and mission of the study are wide, versatile and many. The author, with strong inner vision, relates the every step of his life and his ailment. The agonizing days are delineated in details. It was in the month of June, 1993, I wasconfused, derailed and in a wayward direction. My life changed towards a devastating direction. I am a postgraduate in Chemical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. I graduated in December, 1992 and soon took admission to the postgraduate course in the same university in 1992. It was one and a project supervised by a Faculty from my Department of Chemical Engineering.

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