Wednesday 12 October 2016

Evaluation and Quantification of Some Trace Elements in Drinking Water by ICP-OES

Water is an essential component for life and an important source of intake of trace elements in humans. Therefore, its quality is of great importance to human health. In Turabah province (Saudi Arabia) Local factories of water treatment are small simple units consist usually of sand filters, carbon filters and ion exchange resin. The resource of the water forthese local factories is wells in the valley of Turabah. No daily quality control tests for following up the quality of water in these factories, most of the people used the water produced by local factories in cooking, were some of them used it for drinking. 

The quality of drinking-water is a powerful environmental determinant of health; groundwater which the source of the drinking water inTurabah province contains major ions of the trace metals and other toxicpollutants. All TEs are toxic if consumed at sufficiently high levels for long enough periods. The difference between toxic intakes and optimal intakes to meet physiological needs for essential trace elements is great for some elements but it is much smaller for others.

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