Tuesday 11 April 2017

DNA Binding Ability of Catalytically Synthesized New Steroidal Lactones

These reported studies are about specialty of steroid as anticancer against leukaemia and breast cancer. The molecular docking studies undertaken in the present work are in total agreement with the non-covalent mode of binding. The gel electrophoresis technique revealed that compounds depicted concentration dependent on DNA strand scission. In conclusion, the synthesized compounds have better prospectus to act as cancer chemotherapeutic candidates that warrants further in vivo anticancer investigations.

Steroidal Lactones

The modified steroidal derivatives have been a rich source of candidates with potential pharmaceutical applications that have encouraged the design and synthesis of new analogs with increased pharmacological activity. Recently, several steroidal derivatives have been investigated as new curative agents for cancers. In addition, a great number of the modified steroids containing α, β -unsaturated ketone described as anticancer agents.

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