Tuesday 27 June 2017

New Perspectives on Bioethanol Production.

Bioethanol of first generation can be produced by the fermentation of plants containing sugar and starch. Whereas second generationbioethanol can be produced through hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation ofcellulose. Then, this second type do not compete directly with food crops for land use since it can be obtained from a wider range of feedstocks (agricultural residues, woody raw materials or energy crops). However, currently wheat is still the main crop for bioethanol production. Shows global ethanol production by different countries from 2007 to 2015. 
journal of pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
It can be observed that the values peaked in 2015 after a dip in 2011 and 2012. Moreover, it indicates that the countries with the highest production and USA and Brazil. The bioethanol production process depends on the feedstock, going from the simple conversion of sugars by fermentation, to the multi-stage conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into ethanol. Moreover, some thermochemical processes have been analyzed to produce bio-ethanol: gasification followed either by fermentation , or by a catalyzed reaction.(Read more)

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