Friday 20 January 2017

Combination of ESI and MALDI-MS Imaging Enhances Analysis on Brain Gangliosides

Recent advances in matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) have led to the direct analysis of tissue slices. The major advantage of MSI is its capability of simultaneously localizing and identifying a parent molecule and its metabolites without any labeling or any prior knowledge. MSI has been extensively employed to detect the differentiated pattern of lipids in various organs in different diseases, such as brains in Alzheimer’s disease. Poor reproducibility of MALDIMSI analysis due to the heterogeneity of the matrix-analyte crystals, hindersits use on quantitative analysis. In addition, discontinuous ion flow due to quickly consumption of the samples under laser irradiation on specific site affects its ability in qualitative analysis. Although electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) cannot directly be used for imaging, ESI tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) can separate and distinguish gangliosides.

Combination of ESI and MALDI-MS Imaging

Zhang et al. have presented a promising workflow for qualitative, semi-quantitative and in situ analysis of gangliosides by combiningthe MALDI MSI and ESI-MS. Following obtaining the brain from the mice, fresh-frozen murine brain sections were prepared and coated with matrix for subsequent MALDI MSI analysis.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Potentiometric and pHmetric Studies of Paracetamol

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is one of the most popular analgesic and antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol is available in different dosage forms: tablet, capsules, drops, elixirs, suspensions and suppositories. Dosage forms of paracetamol and its combinations with other drugs have been listed in various pharmacopoeias. The combination of paracetamol with dipyrone is used asan antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. Numerous methods have been reported for the analysis of paracetamol and its combinations in pharmaceuticals or in biological fluids. Paracetamol has been determined in combination with other drugs using titrimetry, voltammetry, fluorimetry, colorimetry, UV-spectrophotometry, quantitative thin-layer chromatography (TLC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) in pharmaceutical preparations. 

Potentiometric and pHmetric Studies of Paracetamol

Effect of electrophilic and electrodotic groups on the potentiometric titration of amides and other weak bases was studied. Electrodotic groups enhance the potentiometric end point and electrophilicgroups depress it, sometimes to the extent that the compound is not titratable. A combination of chloroform and acetic anhydride is a useful alternative medium for the titration of weak bases. A potentiometric method for determination of p-acetamidophenol was reported.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Excitonic Quasimolecules in Nano Systems of Semiconductor and Dielectric Quantum Dots

The idea of superatom was fruitful for the development of nanophysics Superatom (quasiatomic nanoheterostructures) consists of a spherical quantum dot (QD) with radius a, the volume of that contains the semiconductor (or dielectric) material. QD is surrounded by dielectric(semiconductor) matrix. A hole is localized in the volume of QD, and the electron is localized over a spherical interface (QD-matrix). In this nanosystem the lowest electronic level is in matrix, and the lowest hole level is within volume of QD. A large shift of the valence band (700 meV) generates the localization of holes in the volume of QD. A significant shift of the conduction band (about 400 meV) is a potential barrier for electrons. 

 Dielectric Quantum Dots

The electrons moving in the matrix and do not penetrate in the volume of QD. Theenergy of the Coulomb interaction of electron with hole and the energy of thepolarization interaction of electron with interface (QDmatrix) form a potential well, in which the electron is localized over the surface of quantum dot. The certain orbitals, localized surrounding quantum dot correspond to electrons in superatom . During investigation of the optical characteristics of nanosystems with CdS, ZnSe, Al2O3 and Ge quantum dots in experimental papersit was found that the electron can be localized above the surface of the QD while the hole here moves in the volume of the QD. In Ref.