Monday 26 September 2016

Adding Value to Agro-Industrial Wastes

Biomass refers to renewable organic materials, including agricultural products and agricultural wastes, wood and its wastes, animal wastes, urban wastes, aquatic plants, and so on. Lignocellulosic materials are the most abundant renewableorganic biomass on Earth, being constantly generated through photosynthesis and existing in large numbers and wide variety from the forest to the sea. This biomass is emerging as an energy source among many kinds of new energy including wind energy, hydroenergy, solar energy, nuclear energy, etc.

Agro-Industrial Wastes
The use of biomass instead of coal and oil to produce chemical substances that satisfy human requirements has begun to be gradually considered by scientists since the late 1960s when the negative impact of the coal and petroleum chemical industryon the environment was recognized. Besides that, a shortage of fossil energy is considered a serious problem.Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass not only can ease energy and environmental problems, but also it is renewable. Furthermore all, the proposal of recycling economy and sustainable development strategies, conversion, and research in the application of natural lignocellulosic feedstock are highly valued and widely used. Because of this, lignocelluloses biotechnology has achieved rapid development in recent decades and expanded the research field significantly.

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