Saturday 3 September 2016

Electrochemical Biosensors; A Promising Tool in Pharmaceutical Analysis

In analytical chemistry, the main challenges are concerned with rapid and simultaneous detection of compounds occurred in clinical, environmental and food samples. Due to this reason biosensors are called as promising tools which can be used for detecting many chemical and biological parameters. It consists of a bio component used in the molecular recognition and a transducer, electronic signal processor. The main principle of biochemical sensors is the specific molecular recognition of the analyte which can be performed by the use of enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, germs, cells and tissues. In this reaction, some physiochemical changes may takes place between the bio component and the analyte, which is converted into electrical signal with the transducer. 

Pharmaceutical Analysis

Researchers have studied that these biosensors are divided into three types such as amperometric and potentiometric, conductive. In electrochemical biosensor the transducer act as an electrode and the transduction is mostly realized by means of amperometry or potentiometry. According to scientific significance the two primary classes of electrochemical biosensors are the chemical and DNA biosensors.

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