Monday 19 September 2016

Crystal Structure Analysis of Epoxy Derivatives

The halogen atoms (F, Br and Cl) substituted in epoxy compounds which were crystallized in slow evaporation method. Crystallographic data were collected by using BRUKER SMART APEX II CCD detector diffractometer. All the three compounds were solved by direct methods and refined by F2 full matrix least squares method. CompoundsI and III crystallizes in monoclinic crystal system P21/c space group, but compound II crystallize in Triclinic P? space group, respectively. The final R-factor of the three compounds 0.0479, 0.0500 and 0.0787 respectively.

Epoxy Derivatives
Compounds with epoxy group are found to be useful in paints, composite formations, and development of adhesins as well as in many microelectronic applications with biphenyl-type epoxy compounds. Epoxides are three-membered oxygen compounds, generated when endogenous as well as xenobiotic compounds undergo oxidative metabolism via chemical and enzymatic oxidation processes. The epoxides aregenerally unstable in aqueous environments and highly reactive. These epoxide intermediates have been implicated as potential mutagenic and carcinogenic agents. In view of the above said properties, structural analyses of such epoxy containing compounds are carried out by many investigators. The present study explains the structural details of three epoxy derivatives.

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