Friday 25 November 2016

Structure Antimutagenicity Relationship of Anthraquinones

Mutation refers to a heritable change in nucleotide sequence or number, which occurs due to an alteration in the sequence of the code in a gene due to change, removal or insertion of one or more bases in agene, and resulting in an altered gene product. This may be expressed by the change in the structure of a protein which alters or abolishes its enzymatic properties.

Mutation occurs spontaneously or may be induced by environmental, industrial, dietary and natural chemicals; it is a cause of innate metabolic defects in cellular systems, triggering morbidity and mortality in living organisms. Mutations cause permanent alteration in DNAstructure, which have been implicated in the etiopathology of cancer and otherdegenerative diseases. A plethora of synthetic and natural substances are known to act as mutagenic, co-carcinogenic and/or carcinogenic agents. These agents produce a variety of lesions in DNA including strand break, base damage and dimerization of bases. De Flora et al.

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