Thursday 3 November 2016

Chromium(VI) Removal Using Biosorbents Derived from Moringa Oleifera

Many coagulants are widely used in conventional water treatment processes based on their chemical characteristics. These coagulants are classified into inorganic, synthetic organic polymers and natural coagulants. Coagulation is the most essential process in the treatment of both turbid surface and industrial wastewaters. Coagulationflocculation is one ofthe most important physicochemical treatment steps in wastewater treatment toreduce the turbidity of wastewater. Due to the lack of proper water treatment systems in these rural or under developed communities the best immediate option is to use simple and relatively cost effective point of use technologies such as coagulation. 
Chromium(VI) Removal Using Biosorbents Derived from Moringa Oleifera

Chromium(VI) is highly toxic and soluble in water and it is a strongoxidizing agent that causes severe damage to cell membranes. The mostcommonly used primary chemical coagulants, namely alum (AlCl3), ferric chloride(FeCl3) and polyaluminium chloride (PAC). The disadvantages associated with these coagulants such as ineffectiveness in low temperature water relatively high procurement cost, detrimental effects on human health, production of large sludge volumes and the fact that they significantly affect pH of treated water. There is strong evidence linking aluminium based coagulants to the development of Alzhemier’s disease in human beings.

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