Thursday 23 March 2017

Synthesis and Characterization of Schiff Base CoII, NiII and CuII Complexes Derived from 2-Hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde and 2-Picolylamine

There has been enormous report directed towards the development of novel chemical compounds able to arrest or reverse the development of cancer. Biological activities of transition metal complexes derived from Schiff base ligands are one of the most exhaustively studied topic in coordination chemistry, due to their enhanced activities compared to non - Schiff base complexes. Schiff base complexes show important physiological and pharmacological activities due to their favorable cell membrane permeability. For example, amino acid Schiff base metal complexes have a wide variety of applications including biological, clinical analytical and industrial area in addition to their important role in catalysis and organic synthesis. 

Schiff Base CoII
It was found the Schiff base products containing short chain amino acid are not stable. One effective method to make it stable is to reduce the double bond to form reduced Schiff base ligands (also called Mannich base), which is also a biological intermediate. The ligands is now more flexible and not constrained to remain planar. This investigation of the packing model will give useful information to biological reactions and will help to investigated the hidden characters of the ligands.

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