Monday 28 November 2016

A New Mononuclear Complex: Structure, Vibrational (FT-IR and Raman), Hirshfeld Surfaces Analysis, Electrical Properties and Equivalent Circuit

Hybrid compounds offer attractive opportunities to combine useful properties of both organic and inorganic simples within a single molecular scale composite. On the one hand, these salts offer, scientifically and technologically significant chances in different areas of catalysis, optical properties, biology, magnetic functional materials. On the other hand,they may contribute to higher electrical mobility (as a result of the strongcovalent bonding within these systems). Halogenometalate hybrid compounds based on elements of transition (II) ions prove to have a significant weight to fabricate low-cost electronic devices (as Thin Film Transistor or Organice- Inorganic Emitting Diode). 

A New Mononuclear Complex

Among the most frequently used of polydentate ligands which have the ability with bond to several metal centers, dipicolinic acid (C7H5NO4, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid) is a well-known that occurs in many natural compounds exhibiting various biological functions and potential pharmacological activities. 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic The ligand containing N and O polydentate donors, which pave the way provide great advantages for assembling compounds with new structures. The dipicolinic acid ‘dpc’ ligandwith Zn (II) ions has commonly 1 or 2 coordination modes. In one coordination mode, a single planar dpc ligand associates in the equatorial plane of a Zn (II) cation with other ligands such as H2O or pyridine-based heterocycles, which occupy the remaining sites. This leads to the formation of square pyramidal or octahedral coordination geometry or two perpendicularly coordinated planar dipicolinic molecules generating distorted octahedral coordination geometry.

Friday 25 November 2016

Structure Antimutagenicity Relationship of Anthraquinones

Mutation refers to a heritable change in nucleotide sequence or number, which occurs due to an alteration in the sequence of the code in a gene due to change, removal or insertion of one or more bases in agene, and resulting in an altered gene product. This may be expressed by the change in the structure of a protein which alters or abolishes its enzymatic properties.

Mutation occurs spontaneously or may be induced by environmental, industrial, dietary and natural chemicals; it is a cause of innate metabolic defects in cellular systems, triggering morbidity and mortality in living organisms. Mutations cause permanent alteration in DNAstructure, which have been implicated in the etiopathology of cancer and otherdegenerative diseases. A plethora of synthetic and natural substances are known to act as mutagenic, co-carcinogenic and/or carcinogenic agents. These agents produce a variety of lesions in DNA including strand break, base damage and dimerization of bases. De Flora et al.

Friday 18 November 2016

Conducting Polymers in Biological Systems

Electronics based on π-conjugated organic polymers and molecules have been extensively explored during the last years. The significant interest in the development of organic electronics results in part from the fact that this technology offers new or improved electroactive and opto-electronic features as compared to the inorganic counterparts. The organic electronic materials may be flexible andcan be also fabricated using printing devices. Other characteristics that make organic electronic materials promising as the active material in bioelectronics include:

Polymers in Biological Systems
Functionality which can easily be defined at the materials level, giving that chemical biosignals can be translated into electronics signatures or signals within the material itself.In the thin-layer state organic electronic materials are often transparent, which permits optical transmission imaging and use of various microscopy-based techniques when analyzing biological specimens interacting with the tool.Organic electronic materials are soft and can be (self-)organized to mimic biological structures.Organic conjugated materials conduct electrons as well as ions.Organic conjugated materials can be equipped with (bio-) molecular side-groups to promote cell viability.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Role of Schiff Base in Drug Discovery Research

Compounds having imine or azomethine (–C=N–) functional group are known as Schiff bases. They were first reported in 1864 by German Chemist, Hugo Schiff and hence they are named so. For the synthesis of Schiffbase, a number of methods have been described in literature. These are now synthesized by a simple one pot condensation of an various amines/hydrazides with carbonyl compounds, water is eliminated during condensation process.Schiff bases are synthesis from simple reaction between acetone and primary amine. Water is byproduct in this reaction.Other name for Schiff bases are imine or azomethine.

Drug Discovery Research

Schiff bases form an backbone for large number of organic compounds and have a enormous applications in many fields. Structurally these arenitrogen derivatives of carbonyl compounds in which the (C=O) group has beenreplaced by an (C=N) group. Schiff bases have also received a great attention because of their potential biological activities such as antiinflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant and so forth.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Antimicrobial and Phytochemical Properties of Alstonia Boonei Extracts

Medicinal plant is defined as any plant with one or more of its organs containing substance that can be used for therapeutic purpose or which can be used as precursors for the synthesis of antimicrobial drugs. Plants are presently the sources of medicines for many people of different agein many country of the world, where diseases are treated primarily with traditional medicines obtained from plants. The modern pharmaceutical industry itself still relies largely on the diversity of secondary metabolites in plants and secondary metabolites of which at least 12,000 have been isolated; a number estimated to be less than 10% of the total. In plants, the synthesized aromatic substances (metabolites) are used as defensive weapons against predation by microorganisms, insects and herbivores.

 Alstonia Boonei Extracts

Alstonia boonei, a large evergreen tree belonging to the family Apocynaceae is one of the widely used medicinal plants in Africa and beyond. The important plants of genus Alstonia includes Alstonia scholaris, Alstonia boonei, Alstonia congensis and Alstonia macrophylla which have proved to be useful in various diseases.